Are you aware of how to manage your personal finance? Do you know the best opportunities for investing your personal finance? Have you ever thought how to manage your debts, savings, budgets, etc. Why money management plays an crucial role in any financial markets? Do you know how to periodically perform evaluation, assessment of your finance? How to keep track and monitor your personal finance? Are you new to personal finance and looking for personal finance basics for beginners course or a guide?
Basics of Personal Finance Course
In this tutorial e-learning course you will learn the personal finance basics. This course will enlarge your knowledge on personal finance basic terms and how to draft your financial plan and manage your personal finance. After taking this course you will have good knowledge on personal finance basic concepts and terms, savings, budgeting, investment, managing your debts, methods and techniques to evaluate and monitor your finance. Once you are comfortable you can start taking first step toward your financial plan to meet your future goals.
E-learning course details: Course duration for personal finance basics for beginners module is approximately 30 minutes. This course consists of series of chapters given below. At the end of the tutorial course you can take the quiz to check how far you have understood about personal finance. You can also publish your quiz score’s on website and share with your friends and team mates. Best of luck!
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Personal Finance Basics for Beginners Module
- Chapter 1: What is Personal Finance? Definition, Examples, Basics, Management
- Chapter 2: Financial Assessment of a Company or an Individual
- Chapter 3: Primary Objectives and Goals of Financial Management
- Chapter 4: Personal Banking Products and Services of Financial Management
- Chapter 5: Income Tax Slab, Deductions, Tax Planning Strategies for Individuals
- Chapter 6: Difference, Relationship, Importance of Savings and Investment
- Chapter 7: Types of Insurance offered by Insurance Companies
- Chapter 8: What is Debt Management? Definition, Examples, Strategies, Plans
- Chapter 9: What are Wealth Creation Strategies, Ideas and Tips?
- Chapter 10: Personal Financial Assessment and Monitoring Techniques
- Chapter 11: Basics of Personal Finance Quiz – Question and Answers