What are Audience Expectation from WikiFinancepedia.com
Our innovative thinking, robust world-class system and mobile compatible platform enable us to create long-term, reliable and sustainable relationship to meet our targeted audience.
We have identified our focus areas to maximize our local and global impact. At the same time, we understand that each community has its own unique needs and concerns.
You can also participate in Benefits of Wikifinancepedia Partners Program and contribute to share the knowledge with the good purpose for all our mankind.
Our Focus Areas: Changing Millions of People Lives…
Finance e-Learnings:
Wikifinancepedia is dedicated to enrich their financial knowledge by presenting diversified, worthwhile interests, and enduring free educational programs. We believes in providing a significant and unique contribution to community by initiatives that benefit a broad segment of the community and address various financial methods to strengthen them.
Financial Terms:
Wikifinancepedia is committed to invest in programs and initiatives that develop skills, knowledge and understanding of various terms thru continuous learning – both at personal and professional level. This focus areas will benefit community to better understand terms in segment like Finance, Banking, Insurance, Trading and Accounting into layman terms.
Investment Planning:
Wikifinancepedia believes in unique contribution by providing Investment Plans benefiting a broad segment of the community and addressing our focus areas thru various segments such as:
- Investing: In this segment, we have focused on providing knowledgeable study materials in the area of Stock Market, Futures and Options, Mutual Funds and ETFs, Bond and Fixed Incomes, Commodity Market, Forex and Currency.
- Trading: In this segment, we have focused on providing learning materials in the area of Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Automated Trading, Insider Trading, and Trading Software’s.
- Wealth Management: In this segment, we have focused on providing case study materials in the area of Asset Management, Asset Performance, Risk Management and Portfolio Optimization.
Insurance Planning:
Wikifinancepedia believes in supporting programs and events that enrich the financial knowledge of community thru Insurance planning. This focus area will enrich readers knowledge in almost all types of insurance products.
Financial Planning:
Wikifinancepedia believes in providing a significant contribution to community by supporting initiatives that benefit a broad segment of the community and addressing our focus areas thru various segments such as:
- Financial Advisory: In this segment, we have focused on providing study resources in the area of Saving, Spending and Budgeting, Insurance Planning, Retirement Planning, Credits and Loans, Assets and Real Estates, Start-ups and Entrepreneurs.
- Financial Consultancy: In this segment, we have focused on providing knowledgeable study materials in the area of Online Business, Economy Outlook, Crowd Funding, Banking, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy.
Supporting writers associations:
Wikifinancepedia aspires to enrich the lives of the people by supporting contributors writing in the financial community. You can read instructions for publishing guest article post to our website.