Individuals constantly find themselves in need of funds either to finance a new business, a new project, or even to meet immediate needs. Access to funds is very critical to settling different bills and also to improving the standard of living. Sometimes, the funds required to finance projects are not readily available hence the need to seek alternative sources for funds. One of the viable methods you can use to source funds is by acquiring loans. For instance, in America, statistics have shown that over the past decade, the number of people with personal loans has doubled from 11 million people to 21 million people. The amount of approved loans has also tripled from about $55 billion to $162 billion.
As the rate of acquiring loans is rapidly growing, the inability to repay those loans is also at an all-time high. This has led to so many issues such as loss of life and properties and to combat this issue, different alternatives have been provided. Refinancing is one of the alternatives to make loan repayment easier and considering this option will be ideal for borrowers. Regardless of whether you are struggling with your loan repayment or just planning to take a new loan, you can consider this option as it has proven to be an effective alternative. This article will explain the necessary details needed to understand how refinancing works.
Refinancing Definition
Refinancing is a process that enables a borrower to replace an already existing debt with a new loan under more suitable terms. It simply allows for a borrower to obtain another loan to pay for the existing loan and therefore allows the previous loan repayment agreement to be altered or updated.
The advantage of going through this route is that it allows the borrower to redo the repayment plan and obtain even more favorable terms such as a lower interest on the monthly payments, suitable duration of payment, etc. The benefits of refinancing cannot be overemphasized and we will also be discussing some of them.
How Refinancing Works
Generally, the purpose of refinancing is for borrowers to obtain more favorable loan repayment terms and conditions, especially as a response to changing economic conditions. Other reasons can also include longer or shorter loan repayment time, a decline in the fixed interest rate, and conversion from an adjustable interest rate to a fixed interest rate and vice versa. The most popular reason for which most people refinance is the interest rate condition.
Because of how much interest rates change; borrowers tend to refinance when the interest rates drop. There are different factors that affect the increment or decline of interest rates for consumers and businesses and they include national monetary policies and market competition. These factors can impact interest rates across a wide range of credit options. When there is an increase in interest rates, borrowers with variable-interest-rate provisions end up paying more in interest.
Steps Involved in Refinancing
Some of the steps involved in this process include:
- Proper examination of the terms of your existing agreement.
- Checking whether there is any prepayment penalties on your existing loans
- Comparing the offer from different lenders to find which one suit you and your financial goals best
- Making a new loan application
- Completing the application Re-evaluation of an individual or business financial situation
- Re-evaluation of you or your business financial situation
Benefits of Refinancing Your Loans
The following are some of the benefits attached to this process:
Lower interest rates
For homeowners, one of the major benefits that come with refinancing is lower interest rates on mortgages. A lower rate means lower installments, which means you’ll save money on your home. Paying a significantly lower amount towards your home loan every month makes you save some funds that you can use for other projects.
Shorter Loan Term
Another advantage of refinancing your loan is the opportunity to pay up your debt in a short period of time. You have the opportunity to set a shorter time for your loan repayment thereby enabling you to save money on the overall interest paid. As a homeowner, this can give you a faster route to building equity.
Favorable terms
When refinancing, you have the opportunity to replace your initial loan obligation terms with a more favorable one. You have access to options such as longer or shorter repayment time, reduction of fixed interest rate as well as conversion from an adjustable interest rate to a fixed interest rate. This gives you more room for predictability and control.
Loans Considered for Refinancing
The major reason for refinancing debt is to obtain a loan that is more affordable. Most times, the interest rate can be lowered and this will help the borrower to pay up the loan. In light of the advantages offered by this procedure, it is worth noting that not all loans can be refinanced. Some of these loans can be refinanced:
Student loans
This is a type of loan specially designed to assist students and their families pay for tertiary education and related bills. The loan here is used to settle tuition, living expenses as well as books and supplies. This type of loan has a lower interest rate, especially when compared with other loans. Borrowers can seek to refinance this loan if they want an extension of the repayment date or a reduced interest rate.
Refinancing mortgages help the borrower lower their monthly payment. If you are refinancing a mortgage loan, the closing cost can be quite high, thus refinancing to lower the monthly payment may not be worth the money and time involved in getting a new loan.
Other loans that can be considered for refinancing include auto loans, small business loans, credit card loans, etc.
Rules to Always Keep in Mind When Refinancing a Loan
Before making any deal, here are some rules to keep in mind:
Rule 1
Always do proper research, it is important for you to understand what you are getting into when you are planning to refinance.
Rule 2
Do not give in to the pressure to refinance. Struggling with your loan repayment can put pressure on you to go into refinancing unprepared; this might lead to regrets later. It is best to be aware of all your options and choose which is best for you.
Rule 3
Always be conscious of variable rates as they can pose a problem when refinancing loans. During the first few months, some loans might have artificially low rates and then experience a significant increase in the following months.
Rule 4
Always seek legal help before signing any refinancing deal as there are scammers who pretend to help while hatching the ultimate goal of swindling unsuspecting borrowers. Always trust your instincts and remember you can turn away from a bad deal at any time.
Rule 5
Always stick to your first repayment plan unless you are getting a refinancing deal at a significantly lower interest rate. Also, be careful not to infringe on any prepayment penalties before taking a new repayment deal.
These are some tips to help you understand what refinancing your debt entails. You can also check out other internet sources if you need more information.
Refinancing can be a problem as much as it is a solution, it is therefore important to have in-depth knowledge of what it is about and how to make it work. At the end of the day, the most important factor is your personal decision, so before you make any decision as regards refinancing you have to make sure that it will be of benefit to you.