What is Hedger, Speculator and Margin Calculation? Definition with Examples

Wikipedia of Finance - e-learning course on Futures Trading Wikipedia Chapter - What is Hedger, Speculator and Margin Calculation

When traders look for a way to diversify the market for stocks and bonds, they often end up trading futures and options. Involved in the futures market and options offered the opportunity to speculate on the price of goods or securities without actually owning any time. Future trading can be done in two ways, hedging and […]

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What is Margin Trading? Definition, Examples, Advantages and Risk of Leverage

Wikipedia of Finance - e-learning course on Futures Trading Wikipedia Chapter - Margin Trading and Margin Call

Margin Trading Definition: Margin Trading is purchasing stocks without investing the full capital. The trades have a systematized strategy for purchasing stocks in future market without having the capital. For example, Assume that you want to purchase 1000 shares of SBI, which exchanges at Rs.200, you will require around Rs.2,00,000. Whereas in margin trading, you

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What is Margin and M2M (Mark to Market) in Futures Trading of Derivative Market

Wikipedia of Finance - e-learning course on Futures Trading Wikipedia Chapter - Margin and M2M (Mark to Market)

Margin Definition: The main objective of these investments is to make a margin and help to mitigate the risks. Traders utilize futures contracts as a method to minimize price fluctuations. For example, if a seller of soybeans knows you will have a certain amount produced in the future, you can sell a futures contract on

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Basics of Futures Trading For Beginners Module

Wiki Finance pedia - e-learning course on Futures Trading Wikipedia Chapter - Basics of Futures Trading For Beginners Module

Are you aware of how to trade in futures? Do you know opportunities to earn money trading futures contract? Have you ever thought why derivative markets plays an crucial role in any financial markets? Do you know what is leverage, hedging, margin in futures trading? Are you aware of what is short sale or open interest in

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Futures Trading Quiz – Basics of Futures Trading for Beginners

Wikipedia of Finance - e-learning course on Futures Trading Wikipedia Chapter - Futures Trading Quiz - Basics of Futures Trading for Beginners

This is a quiz for your futures trading. Take futures trading quiz questions with answers to test your knowledge on “Basics of futures trading for Beginners module”. Let us check how much do you understand about how to do future trades, futures contracts, leverage, open interest, margin and how you can earn money trading in futures market?

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