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What is Communication Strategy? Definition, Examples, Techniques, and Types of Barriers


Communication Strategy Definition:

It is a concept or a workflow or a design developed for an effective communication to meet business objectives and long term goals of an organization is called as “Communication Strategy”. This is how the company organizes its communication, i.e. the lines of communication. The preparation of a communication strategy requires a real methodology and is designed to plan and coordinate the communication of the company. Regardless of the size of the company, it is necessary to anticipate the actions of master planning and defining key ideas that will allow carrying out the project.

By following a specific and effective communication strategy plan, a company will be able to forge a brand image and have a personality that will be recognized by the customers or prospects. All this is designed to enhance the reputation of the company or an organization.

Business Communication Strategies and Techniques:

Here we will discuss about some of the important elements of a communication plan and effective business communication strategies and Techniques one should take into consideration:

1. Use “I” in the responsible language: The language in which you use “I” decreases the defensive reaction of the receiver because the use of “you” includes a judgment whereas with the “I” the speaker assumes full responsibility for his feelings and emotions.

2. Make Active Listening: This means that you put yourself in the place of the other in order to understand their thoughts and emotions.

3. Make Reformulation: Let’s say in own words that our interlocutor has, therefore, express understanding. Allow the transmitter to be sure to be understood and to be able to adjust as needed while reducing possible misunderstandings. Use when the received information is complex.

4. SWOT Analysis: Always try to analyze SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of the organization. Also figure it out that how can weakness be turned into strength and how can threat be turned into opportunities.

5. Transparency with stakeholders: Always keep active an effective communication with stakeholders. Let them know in-and-out of each and every activities. Try to keep your actions transparent with communication. It is recommended that your communications strategy or plans should follow BARROW framework of Sue Dewhurst’s. In this framework: B stands for Bridging statement; A stands for Aim; R stands for Reality; R stands for Roadblocks; O stands for opportunities and W stands for who (or) when. This framework will help you to keep transparent and clear communication on high priority points of business plans.

Some of the Communication Strategy Examples:

Email Communication: Suppose, you as a manager sent a message to co-worker saying “I need you to finish this work before leaving else you cannot leave the office.” When you send such kind of message it interprets as a rude and disrespectful language which creates differences barrier at workplace between your co-workers. In such scenario, you communication strategic plan plays a vital role in motivating and bounding between team employees. You should always use words like “please”, “I appreciate your help”, etc. which is more gracious and professional. Such strategy plans helps you to give greater results.

Face-to-Face Communication: When you have a meeting with your boss; and he is well verse with communication strategies; then he would instead of saying “what the hell and non-sense work you did yesterday”; he would always say something like “you should try to use tools and optimize it which can help to complete your work faster and give you correct data”.  These types of communication strategy plans help you to achieve your objectives and goals along with your co-workers satisfaction at the work.

Types of Barriers of Communication:

There are overall five communication barriers in their workplace for any businesses that are operating business globally. They are: Language barrier, Gender differences barrier, Physical barrier, Culture barrier and Status differences barrier. Below listed are some of the examples of barriers of communications but you can overall these barriers through effective communication strategy.

  • The judgment of each person: The sum of experiences.
  • The information filtering: Tend to filter information in order to perceive them positively.
  • Selective listening: Tend to hear and perceive what we want to.
  • Unlike statutes: The message of the highest hierarchical level of employees has more credibility than the lower level.
  • The semantic problem: There may be some difficulties on the various definitions of the words and understanding of some professional jargons.

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