Are you aware of basic finance concepts? Do you know the importance of finance? Are you aware of various different types of finance techniques, methods and strategies? Do you know the best sources of finance for your company to invest, evaluate and assess your finance goals? Have you gone through advantages and disadvantages of long-term source of funds as well as short-term source of finance for your company? What are the rules and principles of finance which every company need to be aware of? What are the types / sources of finance for your business? or What are the different types of investment? Are you new to finance and looking for tutorial on basic finance concepts for beginners guide or courses?
Basics of Finance Concepts Course
In this tutorial e-learning course you will learn the basic finance concepts. This course will enlarge your knowledge on finance and how to draft, execute and manage your finance plan also how to assess and budget your finance. After taking this course you will definitely have good knowledge on basic finance concepts. You will also have good understanding on types of finance, function and objectives of finance and how to chose the right source of finance and execute your financial goals. Once you are aware of basic finance concept to some extend you can start taking first step toward your finance to evaluate your future goals.
E-learning course details: Course duration for basic finance concepts for beginners guide is approximately 45 minutes. This course consists of series of chapters you can see below. Hope that you will like this tutorial and it will assist you to improved your financial knowledge, then do share this tutorial course with friends and team mates as well. Best of luck!
Read E-Learning Tutorial Courses - 100% Free for All
Personal Finance Basics for Beginners Module
- Chapter 1: What is Finance with Examples?
- Chapter 2: What is International Finance?
- Chapter 3: Importance of Finance
- Chapter 4: Features of Finance
- Chapter 5: Source of Funds
- Chapter 6: Types of Capital
- Chapter 7: Types of Capital Market
- Chapter 8: Types of Investment
- Chapter 9: Short Term Sources of Finance
- Chapter 10: Long Term Sources of Finance
- Chapter 11: Finance Quiz – Finance Basics for Beginners