Wikipedia of Finance - e-learning course on Futures Trading Wikipedia Chapter - Futures Trading Quiz - Basics of Futures Trading for Beginners

Futures Trading Quiz – Basics of Futures Trading for Beginners


This is a quiz for your futures trading. Take futures trading quiz questions with answers to test your knowledge on “Basics of futures trading for Beginners module”. Let us check how much do you understand about how to do future trades, futures contracts, leverage, open interest, margin and how you can earn money trading in futures market?

In today’s world financial knowledge is very important for well-being and lack of financial knowledge is not acceptable at personal and organisation level. Take a quiz at the end of “Basics of Futures Trading for Beginners tutorial course” and test your knowledge on concepts of futures trading, futures contracts, or other related matters and scenarios by opting this futures trading quiz.

Futures Trading Quiz – Futures Trading for Beginners

1: Its an agreement between buyer and seller to deliver quantity at a price lower than the market value.

2: Its an agreement between two brokers market participants to deliver quantity at a certain price.

3: Its an agreement between two anonymous market participants to deliver quantity at a certain price at specified future date.

4: Its an agreement between two market participants to deliver quantity at a traded market price.

Its an agreement between two anonymous market participants to deliver quantity at a certain price at specified future date.


1: Stock Future Contracts.

2: Commodities Future Contracts.

3: Index Future Contracts.

4: Currency Future Contracts.

5: All of the Above.

All of the Above.


1: Hedger Traders.

2: Investors.

3: Foreign Traders.

4: All of the Above.

All of the Above.


1: Allows traders to take much positions without cash balance.

2: Allows traders to take large positions above their cash balance in the account.

3: Allows traders to take larger positions through insider trading.

4: Allows traders to take much larger positions than are normally available from your cash balance.

Allows traders to take much larger positions than are normally available from your cash balance.


1: Payoffs are squaring off the position due to insufficient balance.

2: Payoffs are the monetary awards given for a varieties of reasons.

3: Payoffs are write-off obligation for the seller of the future contract.

4: Payoffs are paying remaining cash balance required for futures trading.

Payoffs are the monetary awards given for a varieties of reasons.


1: Its an act of selling at higher value and later buying after price fall.

2: Its an act of selling at lower value and later buying at higher price.

3: Its an act of buying at higher value and later selling after price fall.

4: Its an act of buying at lower value and later selling at higher price.

Its an act of selling at higher value and later buying after price fall.


1: One of the frequently traded instrument in American derivative market.

2: One of the frequently traded instrument in Germany derivative market.

3: One of the frequently traded instrument in Indian derivative market.

4: One of the frequently traded instrument in Singapore derivative market.

One of the frequently traded instrument in Indian derivative market.


1: Hedging is a trading strategy for financial market during bearish trend.

2: Hedging is a risk protection strategy for financial market during volatility trend.

3: Hedging is a buyers protection strategy for financial market during volatility and bearish trend.

4: All of the Above.

Hedging is a risk protection strategy for financial market during volatility trend.


1: The Open interest is the total number of options or futures contracts that have not been closed or released on a particular day.

2: The Open interest is the total number of options or futures contracts that are closed or released on a particular day.

3: The Open interest is the total number of options or futures contracts indicating the volume of the trade on a particular day.

4: All of the Above.

The Open interest is the total number of options or futures contracts that have not been closed or released on a particular day.


1: Mark to market (M2M) or Marking to market is a procedure which tells your profit or loss on monthly basis as long you hold the futures contract.

2: Mark to market (M2M) or Marking to market is a procedure which adjusts your profit or loss on the basis of volume traded as long you hold the futures contract.

3: Mark to market (M2M) or Marking to market is a procedure which adjusts your profit or loss on day to day basis as long you hold the futures contract.

4: All of the Above.

Mark to market (M2M) or Marking to market is a procedure which adjusts your profit or loss on day to day basis as long you hold the futures contract.


1: Currency Market.

2: Stock Futures.

3: Stock Market.

4: Commodities Futures.

5: All of the Above.

Stock Futures.


1: Offset.

2: Payoff.

3: Open Interest.

4: All of the Above.



1: Total number of contracts available for buy / sell.

2: Price of the underlying financial security.

3: Size – the Lot size of the underlying item of the contract.

4: All of the Above.

Size – the Lot size of the underlying item of the contract.


1: Long Positions.

2: Short Positions.

3: All of the Above.

All of the Above.


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